A&P 2
Lab Manual

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1) Anatomy of the Spinal Cord

2) Gray Matter

3) White Matter

4) Spinal Cord Tracts

5) Spinal Nerves and Nerve Plexus

Cervical Plexus
Brachial Plexus
Lumbar Plexus
Sacral Plexus

6) Autonomic Nervous System

7) Spinal Cord Regeneration

8) Spinal Cord Disorders

What Do I Need To Hand In For This Lab?


Spinal cord lateral view
Spinal cord cross section
Spinal cord 3D cross section
Spinal tracts
Cervical Plexus
Brachial Plexus
Lumbar Plexus
Sacral Plexus

Tables and Charts

Table of Spinal tracts
Chart of Autonomic Nervous System

Chart of Spinal Cord Disorders


Questions on Nerve Regeneration (1-4)

Cover Page

Lab #2 Cover Page


Lab 2 Cover Page (not available) Lab 2 Cover Page
Sketches Sketches
Tables and Charts Tables and Charts
Questions Questions
Access each of the listed documents above and print them off. When you submit your lab report you will need to compile all of the documents listed above, stapled together in the order listed in the table above. Sketches must be performed free hand (not traced or copy and pasted). Sketches must be performed using the printed links as given above. You are not allowed to perform the sketches on blank sheets of paper or lined sheets of paper. Sketches performed without using these forms above will not be accepted.  You can use the MS WORD links to access the questions, tables and charts in order to input your values or answers electronically and then print them off when finished to include with your lab report. Alternatively you can print the questions, tables and charts forms out and input your values or answers by hand. The PDF file format will not allow you to input values or answers electronically. Please collate and order the pages in your lab report in the order they are listed in the table above. The cover page is only available using the PDF file format.

1) Anatomy of the Spinal Cord

The spinal cord is an association and communication center. It plays a major role in spinal reflex activity and provides neural pathways to and from higher nervous centers. The spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum of the skull to the first or second lumbar vertebra. It is cushioned and protected by meninges. The dura mater, pia mater, and arachnoid meningeal coverings extend to the sacral level.

The meninges extend well beyond the end of the spinal cord and provides an excellent site for removing cerebrospinal fluid for analysis (for suspected bacterial or viral infections of the spinal cord) without endangering the spinal cord. This procedure, called a lumbar tap, is usually performed in the lumbar region. Anesthesia for childbirth is normally administered lower in the lumbar region.

Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves arise form the spinal cord to serve the body area at their approximate level of emergence. The cord is about the size of a thumb in circumference for most of its length, but there are enlargements in the cervical and lumbar areas where the nerves serving the upper and lower limbs emerge.

The spinal nerves emerging from the inferior end of the cord must travel through the vertebral canal for some distance
before exiting at the appropriate location. This collection of spinal nerves traversing the inferior end of the vertebral canal is called the cauda equina because of its similarity to a horse’s tail (the Latin translation of cauda equina).

**Using images in this lab and your textbook, sketch a lateral view of the spinal cord and label the following:
Cauda equina, Cervical spinal nerves, Thoracic spinal nerves, Lumbar spinal nerves, Sacral spinal nerves

Spinal Cord Lateral View

Spinal Nerves

Human Cadaver Spinal Cord Dissection

Use the link below to access a video in which the spinal cord on a human cadaver is diseccted and explained.

Human Spinal Cord Dissection

2) Gray Matter

In cross section, the gray matter of the spinal cord looks like a butterfly or the letter H. Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.4 can be used to sketch the cross sectional view of the spinal cord. The two posterior projections are called the posterior or dorsal horns. The two anterior projections are the anterior or ventral horns. Gray matter surrounds the central canal of the cord, which contains cerebrospinal fluid.

Neurons with specific functions can be located in the gray matter. The posterior horns, for instance, contain association neurons and sensory axons that enter the cord from the body periphery via the dorsal root. The cell bodies of these sensory neurons are found in enlarged areas of the dorsal root called the dorsal root ganglion. The anterior horns contain cell bodies of motor neurons of the voluntary system, which send their axons out via the ventral root of the cord to enter the spinal nerve. The spinal nerves are formed from the fusion of the dorsal and ventral roots. The lateral horns contain cell bodies of motor neurons of the automatic nervous system (sympathetic division).  Their axons also leave the cord via the ventral roots, along with those of the motor neurons of the anterior horns.

Microscopic Spinal Cord Cross Section

**Using images in this lab and your textbook, sketch a spinal cord cross section and label the following:
White Matter, Gray Matter, Posterior horns, Anterior horns, Central canal

3) White Matter

The white matter is composed of myelinated fibers. Some fibers run to higher centers, some travel from the brain to the spinal cord, and some conduct impulses from one side of the cord to the other.

The white matter on each side of the spinal cord can be divided into three primary regions: the posterior funiculi, lateral funiculi, and anterior funiculi. Each funiculus contains a number of fiber tracts composed of axons. Tracts conducting sensory impulses to the brain are called ascending tracts. Tracts carrying impulses from the brain to the skeletal muscles are descending tracts.

Because it serves as the transmission pathway between the brain and the body periphery, the spinal cord is an extremely important organ. The spinal cord is highly vulnerable to traumatic injuries, such as might occur in an automobile accident. When the cord is severely traumatized, both motor and sensory functions are lost in body areas normally served by that region and lower regions of the spinal cord. Injury to certain spinal cord areas may even result in a permanent paralysis of both legs (paraplegia) or of all four limbs (quadriplegia).

Spinal Cord Cross Section 3D

Microscopic Spinal Cord Cross Section

FIGURE 2.6 Microscopic Spinal Cord Cross Section

**Using images in this lab and your textbook, sketch a 3 dimensional cross section of  the spinal cord and label the following:
Dorsal root, Dorsal root ganglion, Ventral root, Spinal nerve,
Dura mater, Arachnoid, Pia mater, White columns, Gray matter

Microscopic Spinal Cord Cross Section
Click the play button to view the movie to the right on the anatomy of the spinal cord.

An alternative view for this animation is given below:



4) Spinal Cord Tracts

**Using images in this lab and your textbook, sketch and label a view of the spinal cord that indicates the tract names that follow:
Fasciculus gracilis, Fasciculus cuneatus, Posterior spinocerebellar, Anterior spinocerebellar, Lateral spinothalmic, Anterior spinothalmic, Lateral corticospinal, Ventral corticospinal, Rubrospinal, Tectospinal, Vestibulospinal

Since each tract is represented on both sides of the cord, for clarity you can label the motor tracts on the right side of the diagram and the sensory tracts on the left side of the diagram.  Color ascending tracts red and descending tracts blue.

Spinal Cord

Ascending and Descending Tracts of the Spinal Cord


Click the play button to view the movie to the right on the Spinal Cord Tract anatomy.

An alternative view for this animation is given below:



As spinal cord sensory nerve fibers of different sizes and functions enter the spinal cord they are sorted into nerve tracts. Some tracts serve to link different segments of the spinal cord, while others ascend to higher centers in the brain. The white matter of the cord consists of ascending and descending tracts embedded in Neuroglia. Functions of these tracts can be summarized in the TABLE FOR SPINAL CORD TRACT FUNCTION.

**Using information gathered from your text book and the internet, enter the functional importance of each of the spinal cord tracts in Table for Spinal Cord Tract Function. As you work, try to be aware of how the naming of the tracts is related to their anatomical distribution. You can access the Table by clicking on the link given below.

The Table for Spinal Cord Tract Function is available by printing out the Sketches Tables Charts Form


Lateral spinothalamic Pain and temperature
Anterior spinothalmic Pain and temperature
Fasciculus gracile Touch, pressure and conscious muscle joint sense
Fasciculus cuneate Touch, pressure and conscious muscle joint sense
Dorsal spinocerebellar Proprioception
Ventral spinocerebellar Provide input to the cerebellum
Lateral corticospinal Voluntary skilled movement of trunk and hind limbs
Ventral corticospinal Voluntary skilled movement of forelimb
Tectospinal Reflex postural movement in response to visual stimuli
Rubrospinal Facilitate activity of flexor muscles and inhibits extensors
Vestibulospinal tract Facilitates activity of extensor muscles and inhibition of flexor muscles under the influence of the ear and cerebellum in maintenance of balance
Click the play button to view a movie on Lumbar Laminectomy.


Click the play button to view the movie to the right on an epidural and spinal anesthesia is performed.

An alternative view for this animation is given below:


5) Spinal Nerves and Nerve Plexuses

The 31 pairs of human spinal nerves arise from the fusions of the ventral and dorsal roots of the spinal cord. The nerves are named according to their point of emergence. All spinal nerves are mixed nerves because the ventral roots contain myelinated axons of motor neurons located in the cord and the dorsal roots carry sensory fibers entering the cord.

After emerging, each nerve divides into dorsal and ventral rami. The rami contain both motor and sensory fibers. The dorsal rami serve the skin and musculature of the posterior body trunk close to their level of emergence. The ventral rami of spinal nerves T2 - T12 pass anteriorly as the intercostal nerves to supply the muscles of intercostal spaces and the skin and muscles of the anterior and lateral trunk. The ventral rami of all other spinal nerves form nerve networks called plexuses. These plexuses serve the motor and sensory functions of the muscles and the skin of the limbs. The fibers of the ventral rami combine in the plexuses. The plexuses fibers diverge to form peripheral nerves, each of which contains fibers from more than one spinal nerve. The major plexus we will study are the:

Cervical Plexus and the Neck
Brachial Plexus and Upper Limb
Lumbar Plexus and Lower Limb
Sacral Plexus and Lower Limb

             FIGURE 2.10
Nerve Anatomy

Cervical Plexus and the Neck

The cervlcal plexus arises from the ventral rami of C1 through C5 to supply muscles of the shoulder and neck.

The major motor branch of this plexus is the phrenic nerve, which arises from C3-C4 (and some fibers from C5) and passes into the thoracic cavity in front of the first rib to innervate the diaphragm.  The danger of a broken neck is that the phrenic nerve may be severed, leading to paralysis of the diaphragm and cessation of breathing.

Using images in this lab and your textbook, sketch the cevical plexus and label the following: C1-C6, Phrenic nerve


Spinal Cord Plexus

Cervical Plexus

Brachial Plexus and the Upper Limb 

The brachial plexus emerges from the ventral rami of C5 thorough C8 and T1.  The plexus is subdivided into four major peripheral nerves: the axillary nerve, radial nerve, median nerve and the ulnar nerve. Trauma to the ulnar nerve produces a smarting sensation commonly referred to as “hitting the funny bone.” Repeated use and or trauma to the median nerve in the area of the wrist can result in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

**Using images in this lab and your textbook, sketch the brachial plexus and label the following:
C5-C8, T1, Axillary nerve, Radial nerve,
Median nerve, Ulnar nerve


Brachial Plexus

Click the play button to view the movie to the right describing the types of surgery performed to alleviate the pain associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which involves the median nerve.

An alternative view for this animation is given below:



Lumbar Plexus and the Lower Limb

The lumbar plexus arises from ventral rami of L1 through L4. The largest nerve of this plexus is the femoral nerve, which passes beneath the inguinal ligament to innervate the anterior thigh muscles. 

**Using images in this lab and your textbook as well as the models in class, sketch the lumbar plexus and label the following:
L1-L4, Femoral nerve, Saphenous nerve



Lumbar Plexus

Sacral Plexus and the Lower Limb 

Arising from L4 through S4, the nerves of the sacral plexus supply the buttock, the posterior surface of the thigh, and virtually all sensory and motor fibers of the leg and foot. The major peripheral nerve of this plexus is the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body.

**Using images in this lab and your textbook, sketch the sacral plexus and label the following:
L4-L5, S1-S4, Sciatic nerve, Sural nerve, Tibial nerve


Sacral Plexus

Click the play button to view the movie to the right discussing a therapy which works to alleviate the symptoms of Sciatica which is an inflammation of the Sciatic Nerve.

An alternative view for this animation is given below:



6) The Autonomic Nervous System 

The autonomic nervous system is the subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that regulates body activities that are for the most part not under conscious control. It is composed of motor neurons serving cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and internal glands. This system is often referred to as the involuntary nervous system, because these structures typically function without conscious control.

There is a basic anatomical difference between the motor pathways of the somatic (voluntary) nervous system and those of the autonomic nervous system. In the somatic division, the cell bodies of the motor neurons reside in the spinal cord or brain, and their axons sheathed in spinal nerves extend all the way to the skeletal muscles they serve. The autonomic nervous system consists of sequences of two motor neurons. The first motor neuron of each pair (pre-ganglionic neuron) resides in the brain or spinal cord.  Its axon leaves the central nervous system to synapse with the second motor neuron (postganglionic neuron), whose cell body is located in a ganglion outside the central nervous system. The axon of the postganglionic neuron then extends to the organ it serves.

The autonomic nervous system has two subdivisions. The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions serve most of the same organs, but generally cause opposing effects.

Three Dimensional Spinal Cord Nerve

Most body organs served by the autonomic nervous system receive fibers from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. The only exceptions are the organs of the skin (sweat glands and arrector pili muscles attached to the hair follicles), the pancreas and liver, the adrenal medulla, and essentially all blood vessels.  When both divisions serve an organ, they have opposing effects. This is because their postganglionic axons release different neurotransmitters. The parasympathetic fibers (cholinergic fibers) release acetylcholine. The sympathetic postganglionic fibers (adrenergic fibers) release norepinephrine.

The parasympathetic division is often called the “resting and digesting” system because it maintains the visceral organs in a normal function state. The sympathetic division is sometimes referred to as the “fight or flight” system because it prepares the body to cope with events that threaten homeostasis. Under emergency conditions, the sympathetic nervous system provides for an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, dilates the bronchioles of the lungs, increases blood sugar levels, and promotes other effects that help the individual cope with a stressor.

**Using your textbook and other resources, list the effect of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system (i.e., Inhibit (slow down) or stimulate (speed up)) on each of the organs listed on the Autonomic Nervous System Chart. You can use the chart provided by using the link given below.

The Autonomic Nervous System Chart is available by printing out the Sketches Tables Charts Form


7) Spinal Cord Regeneration

Read the following articles and view the provided videos given in the links below. The articles and videos will assist you in answering the questions on Spinal Cord Regeneration.

Stroke and Spinal Injury

Fetal Stem Cell Treatments

Spinal Cord Microsurgery

Fetal Tissue Implants for Spinal Cord Injury in Cats

Microcomputers in Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal Cord Injuries


Click the play button to view the movie to the right on the future of spinal cord regeneration from Stephen Davies of the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine.

An alternative view for this animation is given below:



Click the play button to view the movie to the right on the future of spinal cord regeneration from Dr. Hans Kierstead professor of anatomy and neurobiology at the University of California, Irvine. .

An alternative view for this animation is given below:




Click the play button to view the movie to the right on the Spinal Cord Regeneration from the Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Center.

An alternative view for this animation is given below:


**Spinal Cord Regeneration Questions
Describe in your own words the process used in the successful treatment of spinal cord regeneration in rats.
2) How is the process in cat spinal cord rehabilitation using embryonic tissue different than the treatments used in rats?
3) Describe how the use of microcomputers and computer technology is used in spinal cord rehabilitation?
4) Describe why nerve tracts in the arm or hand if severed or damaged are able to repair themselves while those in the brain or spinal cord cannot regenerate.

The Spinal Cord Regeneration is available by printing out the Questions Form

8) Spinal Cord Disorders
View the following three tutorials of Diseases and Conditions of the Spinal Cord and produce a chart for each which summarizes the main points for tutorial. You need to use the Charts that are supplied in the links below.


Back Pain

Epidural Anesthesia

Spinal Cord Injury

The Spinal Cords Disorders Chart is available by printing out the Sketches Tables Charts Form

Optional Videos and Tutorials

Herniated Disks

Lumbar Laminectomy (1 Hour long)

Treating Chronic Back Pain with Minimally Invasive Surgery